Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Rough and tumble boys, gotta love em'! The younger little guy "B" had a bad owie right under his eye, I told mom, oh no biggie, we can photoshop that out, and I love that she said, no I think I want it in the pictures, it will remind us of how he was at this age! I love that! Sometimes we think our pictures and memories have to be perfect, but how important it is, especially in photos of our children to capture those little imperfections that will one day be long gone:) Here is your sneak peek Tenille! Enjoy~
PS. and seriously if you want the owie photoshopped out on any of them, no problem:)


Tenille said...

Amie I love them so much. I can't wait to see the rest of them. Thanks again for doing them. I can't wait to show everyone.

Charissa said...

Very nice shot of the boys! You are an awesome artist!

Angie Penrose said...

So cute! Love the red bucket and wagon.