Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lovin' this sunshine:)

What a fun-filled session I had with two cute brothers! Older brother was such a ham...he talked up a storm to me:)
Regarding this first picture we had this conversation:
Me: Hey I've got this fun hat I just bought, I've been waiting to have someone to wear it for a picture...will you let me take a picture of you in it?
"C": But my hair is all fixed!
Me: I promise I won't push it down on your hair so it won't get messed up.
I then showed him the hat and he laughed and laughed...
He finally agreed to try it on and I got the shot exactly like I envisioned it when I bought the hat:)....I love my job!

1 comment:

April said...

Those are sooo cute Amie! I love the cute hat! And what cute boys! Great job!!!